Treating AIDS in Papua Red Fruit

Red Fruit (Pandanus conoideus) is a native plant that grows in the highlands of Papua. Because the fruit resembles a pandanus tree is included in the family-Pandanan pandan, height can reach 16 m. Oval fruit shape, length reaching 55 cm, and the weights ranged from 2 to 3 kg. The fruit will be maroon colored bright red when ripe. The fruit is consumed by the people of Papua were hereditary to increase energy and endurance.

Based on the research of a professor at the University of Cendrawasih, Drs. Made Budi, Msi., Red fruits contain carotenoids, bekaroten, alpha tocopherol, oleic acid, linoleic acid and decanoate, omega 3 and omega 9 which acts as an anti-free radical control of various diseases. Red fruit also contains lots of calories to increase energy, calcium, fiber, protein, vitamin B1, vitamin C, and nialin.

Some diseases can be cured with the efficacy of red fruit such as:

Cancer and Tumors

High content of tocopherol compounds in red fruit which reached 11,000 ppm and 7000 ppm bekaroten function as antioxidants, boost immunity, and prevent the development of cancer cells in the body.


Until now there is no medicine that can cure AIDS. However, with red fruit and tokoferolnya bekaroten content can boost immunity, and combating the virus that causes AIDS.


One bone loss caused by lack of calcium, while the red fruit contains high calcium, which is 54,000 milligrams of calcium in 100 grams of red fruit.

Stroke and Blood Pressure

Tocopherol compounds in the red fruit is also beneficial improving blood circulation, resulting in the oxygen content in the blood will be normal, so it can cure high blood pressure. High blood pressure itself is one of the causes of stroke.

Diabetes Mellitus (Diabetes)

Pancreas gland is not able to produce normal amounts of insulin will result in blood sugar levels rise, and cause disease Diabetes Mellitus. Tocopherol compound of red fruit can improve the work back to normal pancreas gland.
In addition to these diseases, red fruit can also increase intelligence, cure eye disorders, ambein, hepatitis, lung, acute magg, and others.

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